Wednesday, January 2, 2008

First 3 days in Mumbai

Well we have successfully made it through our first few days in Mumbai. This city is CRAZY! In every senseof the word. Bustling streets, cows, families on mopeds (literally), street bazaars, beggars, a zillikon flies, some rats, and people everywhere. Every street is a zoo unto itself. Rose and I had abit of a shock the first night. Bustling airport, filthy hotel room... etc. But after 12 hours of sleep and an upgrade on the room we were ready to rock. It has been an excellent three days of adventure and sightseeing. There are 40,000 dirt cheap black taxis which clog the laneless roadways, so getting around is very easy. I don't think a cab ride has gone by where I wasn't positive we were going to crash, or run someone over, but it hasn't happened so far. The food has been amazing (the stuff we can eat) and the Coffee (and chai) is delicious. We have not had a chance to upload our photos yet but hopefully we will soon, we have both taken some incredible shots so be patient. We miss you all and love you. We will write more soon.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

three days to go

Nate and I are at home in Del Mar for Christmas. 

Tonight, we received gifts for the trip, toiletries, socks, and cash.

Good stuff-- we are nearly ready to go.